by fresh_admin | Mar 3, 2021 | News
From the National President - February 2021 Despite the downsides of 2020, the year provided several positives that I will cover in this report. We can be easily drawn into the gloom with much of the news and social media focusing on the negatives. I’m not against...
by fresh_admin | Oct 9, 2020 | News
The Federal Budget - What It Means For Veterans AFA National President, Carl Schiller, OAM, CSM, provides a summary of the Federal Budget as it relates to veterans. On 7th of October, I attended Ex-Service Organisation Round Table (ESORT) Meeting, hosted by...
by fresh_admin | Sep 29, 2020 | News
From the National President’s Desk – Sept 2020 Your latest update on happenings in and around AFA. By Carl Schiller, OAM, CSM, National President, Air Force Association When preparing to write an obituary for the late Air Marshal Selwyn ‘David’ Evans, I came...