On 15 September 2024, the AFA-SA co-hosted with RAAF Edinburgh the 2024 Battle of Britain Commemorative Service at the Air Force Memorial, Torrens Parade Ground.
The service attracted over 100 attendees including dignitaries, Air Force serving and ex-serving veterans, representatives from the veteran’s community and AFA-SA friends and partners to commemorate those who became known as ‘The Few’ – the Commonwealth aircrew, supported by ground crews, who fought in the skies over England in that incredible air campaign that resulted in the first military defeat of Germany in World War 2. In particular, attendees acknowledged the eight South Australians who flew in the Battle of Britain.
While His Excellency, Dr Richard Harris, SC OAM, Deputy Governor of South Australia, attended as a special guest, special guests included World War 2 veteran Ray Merrill DFC and the immediate families of several Battle of Britain aviators.
The service was also attended by political representatives including Hon Joe Szakacs, Minister for Veterans Affairs, Mr Adrian Pederick, Shadow Assistant Minister for Veterans Affairs, Hon Justin Hansen MLC, Mr Tony Zappia, Federal member for Makin, Mr Steve Georganas, Federal Member for Adelaide, the Right Honourable Lord Mayor Jan Lomax Smith, Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide, and Mr Glenn Docherty, Mayor of City of Playford.
The service featured an Australian Air Force Cadet Guard, Leading Cadet Lucy Sampson reciting the poem High Flight, and WGCDR Paul Kemp, Commanding Officer No 1. Remote Sensor Unit, provided the keynote address. Aviators of 1RSU supported the service providing the Catafalque Party, Master of Ceremony, and support staff.
Meanwhile, two AAFC Cadets stood at post beside a Battle of Britain Wreath which they then placed as the last tribute of the service.
After the service, everyone shared in telling stories and networking over morning tea with many taking the opportunity to talk to the special guests.
The Adelaide Battle of Britain Commemorative Service is one of three Commemorative Services the AFA-SA co-host with RAAF Edinburgh to acknowledge those aviators who have served and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. It is also a key way of promoting the Air Forced legacy and heritage and connecting with the community for the association.
Images courtesy of Gary Petts, AFA-SA Photographer.