Veterans often seek higher education during and after their transition to civilian life to enhance their career opportunities.
Many skills, abilities and experiences developed through military service are highly desirable and transferrable – however, these are not always readily recognised by education providers.
That’s where the Veteran Recognition of Prior Learning – Tertiary Support (RPL) Grant Program comes in.
The RPL Grant Program offers funding to universities to adapt existing tertiary credit-mapping frameworks, or establish or adapt direct, assisted entry and RPL pathways.
Recipients in the second round of the RPL Grant Program are: University of Newcastle, Flinders University, University of South Australia, Charles Sturt University, Queensland University of Technology, and Western Sydney University. A total of $700,000 will be provided through this round.
For more information on RPL Grants and other grant programs, or to receive notifications of future grant opportunities, visit GrantConnect.
You can also find out more about Australian Government initiatives to support veteran education and employment on the Veteran Employment Program website.